Slides from WIG Boston April '15 talk

by Jenna Hoffstein

Last night I had the great pleasure of speaking at the Women In Games Boston April Party!  The topic was "Mythbusters: Debunking Common Assumptions About Indie Development", and the discussion ranged between design, business, marketing and self-promotion.  

Photo courtesy of @holliebuckets

Photo courtesy of @holliebuckets

A HUGE thank you to everyone who came out to see it, and for those who couldn't make it the slides are available here:

The last few slides don't have any text (spoiler alert!), so just imagine hearing this in my voice:

[sad cat slide] My intent with this talk is not to discourage people from going indie.  Being an independent game developer is incredibly tough, but that doesn't mean it's not a challenge worth tackling.

[laser space cat slide] My goal instead of to shed a little light on the realities of indie dev as I have seen it in the past couple of years with the hope that, by examining some of these assumptions, you can better arm yourself for the challenges that lie ahead.